Grant-Writing Support
NUCATS can support you in the grant-writing process in a number of ways, including Studio Consultations. Our clinical and translational research studio consultations bring together NUCATS and affiliate leadership to help you identify resources to support and enhance your grant submissions. See below for other ways we can help.
Grant-Writing Coaching Groups
The style and expectations of proposal writing are very complex. The Faculty Affairs Office offers a novel grant-writing coaching group approach to support you in the process.
Grant-Writing Resources
Research and fellowship proposals require a very unique style of writing that has evolved over time and is highly conserved. Reviewers have been conditioned to look for the same patterns and style of content in proposals, and if they don’t see them it can affect their overall enthusiasm and evaluation. Unique resources revealing the patterns and the style of writing can be found on the Collaborative Learning and Integrated Mentoring in the Biosciences site.
Biostatistics, Epidemiology & Research Design
The Biostatistics Collaboration Center (BCC) offer biostatistics expertise in all aspects of research, including proposal development, study design, data management, statistical analysis and manuscript preparation. Specific areas of BCC expertise include statistical genetics, clinical trial design and longitudinal, multilevel and survival analysis.
Grants Repository
The NUCATS Grants Repository serves as a centralized resource for grant writers and investigators at various career stages and allows access to training, research and career development awards from various funding agencies.
A table of contents has been created and can be searched by:
- Federal non-NIH awards
- F-Series and K-Series
- R-Series, T-Series, and U-Series
- Grant resources
- Industry/Foundation awards
- Budget justification
- Resubmission
- Response to review committee comments
- Human research
- Progress report
All grants in the NUCATS Grants repository are generally younger than five years old, and award start dates are included in each listing. To access the NUCATS Grants Repository, please fill out this access request form. If you are willing to share your funded grants in the repository, please submit your grant here.
Request a Letter of Support
Request a letter of support from NUCATS director Rich D'Aquila, MD.