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Mentor Development Series: Cultivating Effective Mentoring Skills

This monthly series consists of 90-minute in-person workshops designed to prepare faculty mentors to be effective and successful in their roles. Designed for both training naive participants and previously trained mentors across ranks and tracks, this series offers both repeating (“required”) and new (“elective”) workshops annually. Via presentation of evidence-based best practices, these sessions use an open discussion format, breakout groups, and hypothetical case scenarios as the impetus for participants to reflect on their own experiences in mentoring — as a mentee and/or as a mentor. Workshops are aligned with and guided by Northwestern’s Foundational Principles of Effective Faculty Mentoring (Intentional, Inclusive, Relational, Holistic).

Register for a Workshop (Required)

The workshops are open to faculty of all ranks and career tracks who hold appointments in the Feinberg School of Medicine,  are members of NUCATS, or who collaborate with faculty involved in biomedical research. Attendance will be capped at 40 participants.

The 2024-25 Developing and Enhancing Mentoring Relationships series will be held in-person on the second Thursday of the month from 9 to 10:30 a.m. Click here to view the schedule and register. Please note advance registration is required.

Certificate Program

Faculty may also seek to complete the Mentor Training Certificate Program. To earn a certificate, faculty must participate in three required workshop sessions and three additional elective workshop sessions. Completion of the NUCATS Mentor Training Certificate Program fulfills NIH requirements for faculty mentors on T32 and other training grants. Learn more about the MTCP here. 

View the 2024-25 Schedule 

Meet Our Team

Faculty Director

Dr. Cameron

Kenzie A. Cameron, PhD, MPH
Professor in the Departments of Medicine (General Internal Medicine), Medical Education, Preventive Medicine and Medical Social Sciences

Senior Project Coordinator

Morgan Barrowman


Mentor Training Certificate

Have you attended multiple sessions? You may be eligible

Explore the Certificate Program

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